iglesia en vivo | Cómo transmitir en vivo el servicio de tu iglesia: una guía práctica.

La propagación del Coronavirus (COVID-19) ha obligado a que las iglesias latinoamericanas cancelen la mayoría de sus reuniones y se pregunten cómo compartir la enseñanza bíblica usando la tecnología. Pero la transmisión Iglesia en vivo de un sermón o servicio dominical puede ser un desafío desalentador. Si perteneces a una iglesia que carece de los recursos para una transmisión, puedes usar esta guía práctica sobre lo que necesitas saber y tener para hacerla.

¿Qué plataforma debemos usar?
Las dos opciones más populares para la transmisión de videos en vivo son: Facebook y YouTube. Consideremos los beneficios y desafíos que nos ofrece cada una.

Facebook. Quizá sea el medio más fácil y accesible para una transmisión en vivo, pues la mayoría de iglesias ya tienen una cuenta. Sin embargo, hay al menos una desventaja notable, y es que el contenido que graben o transmitan desde esta plataforma permanecerá dentro de Facebook, y es difícil compartirlo por otros medios.

iglesia en vivo

A pesar de este desafío, Facebook Live puede tener sentido para tu iglesia, dependiendo de su presencia en esta red social, y de cómo desean manejar los videos una vez haya terminado la transmisión.

Te recomendamos hacer una prueba con la configuración en “privado”, de modo que puedas explorar la interfaz antes de hacer una transmisión pública por primera vez. Aquí encontrarás una guía paso a paso sobre cómo transmitir en vivo desde Facebook.

Youtube. Para transmitir en vivo desde esta plataforma necesitarás crear una cuenta para tu iglesia, la cual debe estar vinculada a una cuenta de Google. Si tu iglesia no tiene un canal de Youtube, aquí encontrarás una guía paso a paso para crearlo.

Una de las grandes ventajas de usar esta plataforma es la facilidad de compartir la transmisión y usar el contenido en otras plataformas como Facebook o la página web de la iglesia. Aquí encontrarás una guía paso a paso sobre cómo transmitir Iglesia en vivo desde Youtube.

Aunque existe una variedad de alternativas a Facebook y YouTube, incluso algunas creadas específicamente para iglesias, estas pueden resultar menos útiles por ser servicios pagados o tener menos soporte técnico.

Las mejores prácticas para la transmisión de los servicios dominicales
Cuando hayas elegido la plataforma para transmitir en vivo, debes considerar el orden y los elementos del servicio que vas a incluir. Aquí hay algunas preguntas comunes que te ayudarán a decidirlo.

  1. ¿Deberíamos transmitir un servicio completo o solo la predicación?

Primero, investiga si en tu país existen regulaciones sobre el uso de la música cristiana en eventos públicos o transmisiones en vivo. Usualmente las regulaciones sobre los derechos de autor son bastante complejas, y varían de lugar a lugar. Por eso, para evitar complicaciones de este tipo, te recomendamos omitir la parte musical del servicio en línea si representará un obstáculo mayor.

Segundo, evalúa si tienes el equipo y condiciones necesarias para transmitir la música en vivo. La experiencia de cantar junto a la iglesia los domingos es muy diferente a una transmisión en línea, y debes saber que la calidad de la producción musical podría distraer en lugar de edificar e invitar a la adoración.

Finalmente, selecciona la información que vas a compartir, como anuncios o instrucciones, puesto que una transmisión en línea llega a una audiencia mayor, y no solo a la membresía local.

  1. ¿Cómo debemos colocar la cámara, interactuar, y preparar el escenario?

La ubicación de la cámara se verá mejor cuando el ángulo está al nivel de los ojos del predicador. En un escenario ideal de transmisión en vivo, el pastor estará hablando directamente a la cámara, haciendo contacto visual con los espectadores del video. La iluminación simple en forma de lámparas, una luz de anillo o un kit de iluminación básico, pueden ser de gran ayuda para mejorar el video, dependiendo de la interacción del predicador con la cámara.

También es importante que el predicador evite el uso de camisas de color blanco, rojo o con estampados pequeños ya que estos factores pueden ocasionar problemas de visibilidad a la hora de la transmisión. Los colores pastel y sólidos, sin estampados, son adecuados para estos casos.

  1. ¿Qué tecnología debemos usar?

Cuando hablamos de equipos de grabación de video, hay algunas cosas básicas a considerar según tu presupuesto y las habilidades de tu equipo de colaboradores.

Nivel 1: Grabar con un teléfono celular. La fortaleza de este método está en su portabilidad y costo. Es prácticamente gratuito, a menos que desees reforzarlo con un soporte para el teléfono y un micrófono para mejorar el audio. La limitante de esta opción está en la calidad de la cámara y el audio del dispositivo.

Nivel 2: Grabar con una cámara dedicada. El equipo más usado para esta función es la cámara Mevo. Su costo oscila entre los 500 a 1000 dólares y proporciona una excelente solución para una transmisión en vivo. Supera la calidad de un teléfono móvil, conserva parte de la informalidad de la plataforma, y proporciona una solución de video de punto fijo razonable. Con esta opción podrás transmitir tanto en Facebook como en YouTube al mismo tiempo.

Nivel 3: Grabar con Boxcast. Por 100 dólares mensuales obtienes el hardware y el software necesarios para transmitir tu servicio en la web. También necesitarás invertir en cámaras capaces de capturar videos en alta calidad (HD), con un costo entre los 500 y 1000 dólares por cámara, así como un micrófono y amplificación de alta calidad (probablemente funcione uno que tu iglesia ya usa).

Otras soluciones de software para computadoras como Restream y OBS (este último es gratuito y con muchas herramientas), pueden lograr algunos de los resultados de Boxcast, pero requerirán un poco más de experiencia y conocimiento técnico.

El nivel apropiado para tu iglesia
Para tomar una decisión sobre cuál nivel es el apropiado para tu iglesia, considera los siguientes factores:

Presupuesto: El nivel 1 costará entre 0 y 50 dólares. El nivel 2 está entre 500 y 1000 dólares. Y el nivel 3 requiere una inversión de 1200 dólares por año, con costos iniciales de alrededor de 1000 dólares.

Colaboradores: Habla con el equipo de colaboradores para determinar con qué instrumentos y plataforma se sienten más cómodos o qué experiencia han tenido usando alguna de estas opciones. Al mismo tiempo, ten cuidado de no comprometerte con métodos complejos de hardware, software, o transmisión que no funcionarán a menos que un solo miembro del equipo pueda ejecutarlos.

Visión: Aunque tu Iglesia en vivo haga un compromiso temporal con la transmisión en vivo, la planificación inteligente de inversión durante este tiempo puede generar dividendos para el ministerio en el futuro. Por lo tanto, asegúrate de que las compras que realicen o los métodos que prueben les sirvan a largo plazo.

Piensa en el uso y aprovechamiento futuro de esta tecnología si deciden continuar transmitiendo los servicios en vivo o si empiezan a producir otros recursos para la edificación de la iglesia.

Comienza con poco y empieza a crecer
Cuando se trata de transmisión en vivo, la recomendación es comenzar con poco y crecer con el tiempo. No te decepciones si tu primer intento es un desastre, pero asegúrate de informarte, toma nota de los comentarios, examina los análisis, y haz que el próximo intento sea un éxito.

Busca las maneras de mejorar mientras ayudas a otras iglesias a crecer en sus capacidades también. Oramos que en esta época de limitaciones para reunirnos, el Señor nos permita optimizar el uso de la tecnología para la edificación de la iglesia y la gloria de su nombre.

Iglesia en vivo

RTMP Server in the era of HTTP video streaming

Given the growing popularity and support of HTTP video streaming, it may be tempting to consider Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) streaming obsolete. But in many cases, working with RTMP server is still very meaningful. As soon as Macromedia first pronounced RTMP with Flash Player 6 in 2002, the brand new Macromedia Flash Communication Server MX (FCS) required to stream the evolving Flash Video (FLV) format, stream was live or VOD.

However, for FCS, licensing costs were high (up to $5,000 per server), and as a result, CDN costs were high than other proprietary streaming formats. Some manufacturers in the industry have called RTMP streaming costs a “Flash tax”. But Flash Player has been a ubiquitous introduction to desktop browsers for well over a decade, much larger than other plug-ins. Though, streaming server technology has traditionally been harder for web developers to implement, and simpler HTTP delivery has mostly been easier and more cost-effective. In 2003, Macromedia enabled Flash Player 7 to support HTTP delivery of FLV files, allowing integrators to use standard web server technology to deploy online video.

So in many ways, RTMP as a VOD transport delivery has not been a requirement for web video for more than a decade. As a video solution architect, I think of business requirements as the leader in most audio video decisions. And still, in 2014, RTMP is the de facto standard for the following use cases:

Publishing live streams from software/hardware encoders: Almost all streaming devices support RTMP to publish to CDN providers and streaming servers. Some native mobile applications also use RTMP libraries to publish live video from their mobile camera.

Near-instant search/playback: One of the benefits of RTMP streaming is its enhanced search capability. With real-time streaming, the player can search anywhere in the video with less buffering than HTTP delivery. However, to enjoy this feature, you need a Flash Player on your desktop and as such, it is not possible in mobile browsers. HTML5 browsers use HTTP domain requests to facilitate faster searching of VOD files.

Content Protection: RTMP Server can facilitate different levels of content protection, from obfuscation to true DRM. RTMP streams are not stored for playback on a desktop browser.

Adaptive Streaming: One of the preferred uses of RTMP is adaptive streaming playback, where we provide the video player with more bitrates and content resolutions, providing the best resolution at the current network speed. Some HTTP adaptive streaming technologies, such as HLS and MPEG-DASH, allow similar delivery, but RTMP may be more responsive to switching one bitrate to another. Unfortunately, there is no standard for HTTP adaptive streaming between HTML5 video-enabled browsers. As such, the Flash-based display of adaptive streaming is still a requirement for adaptive streaming.

Live Streaming Playback: While live streams do not need to be adaptive, compressed video segments apply the same principle to all live streaming playback. For desktop playback within the browser, virtually every live streaming event requires a video player that supports Flash-based rendering and RTMP playback. Apple Safari on iOS natively supports HLS, and luckily, all modern streaming servers, including the Wowza Streaming Engine, support RTMP and HLS compression.

The requirement for a Live Streaming Flash Player will only change if MPEG-DASH appears everywhere as Flash currently. If Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 support is required to install live streaming, then RTMP streaming is still required. Also, if you need a delay close to zero in a live stream, then HTTP streaming will almost certainly not meet your needs while RTMP is capable; HTTP mechanisms require that multiple packets be collected on the server before being sent to the video player.

rtmp hosting

In summary, if your video workflow involves live streaming or any kind of packaged video installation, RTMP is the key to a successful video experience. HTTP delivery has already replaced most Flash VOD installs on video, but HTTP video can’t handle all RTMP video use cases.

Another important setup on Red5 Server is the Python Hosting offered to all hosting customers, with python cpanel hosting the advantage is cheaper and easier to install and run python scripts on a normal hosting. With Python Hosting and rtmp server the customer can really start a webmasters and increase a number of usages to host python scripts or even video chat or live streaming.

As my university professor used to say the computers language for the next 50 years will be python, fast, easier with multiple modules which allow any developer to start an application running python is a few short hours.

Ethiopia Web Hosting

Web design is a web development process that creates a website that has a good layout, graphic design, typography, user interface, etc to make it appealing to users and easy to use. Starting a business requires the implementation of the business plan but sustaining and maintaining requires tremendous efforts because at this stage the effectiveness and proficiency of the business plan and strategies in achieving the desired goal are put to test. Livin in a digital world, web design is an important part of the online marketing platforms and strategies that must be properly utilized to skyrocket your business to achieve your business goal. The importance of good web design to your business include

  1. It provides easy accessibility of information on product and services at customer convenient time.
  2. It brands business and creates awareness for goods and services than other forms of advertisement if properly optimized for users and search engines.
  3. It represents your business in the online community.
  4. It makes your business more credible and reliable because of the opportunity to make an inquiry.
  5. It creates a good impression in the mind of your potential customers.
  6. It helps to thrive in your competitive niche and increase sales.
  7. It is best adaptable in solving customers problems in buying services.

Website is essential for sustainable growth of business but when poorly designed will not yield the desired result thus choosing an expert in web designing must be done with care to maximize utilization of time and money and prevent damage to your business because web design services vary in quality depending on the competency and experience of the expert hired. In need of high-quality web design at an affordable price, prove your seriousness by patronizing and buying the unprecedented and transcendent services of Ethiopia Web Hosting and Design company where customers expectations metamorphose into fruition.

About Ethiopia Web Designing and Hosting Company

Ethiopia Web hosting and Design is a premier Web design company of notable standard that specializes in web design and hosting. We have twelve years of experience with magnificent achievement and remarkable success in web design and hosting. We have built an appreciable reputation for the creation of positive return on investment for our clients which we are not willing to stanch and relinquish. We have our first class servers in the USA and we partner with Hosting Marketers Inc, one of the main web hosts in the United States of America. Ethiopia web hosting is the leading provider of shared web hosting in Ethiopia. We have our main data center located in Chicago board of trading Building which is one of the world largest institutions equipped with infrastructures to provide:

  1. redundant and precision power supply.
  2. 24×7×365 manned security and video surveillance.
  3. Air conditioning and HVAC.
  4. 24×7×365 datacenter staff to provide assistance for customers.
  5. Network assets

Our infrastructures are the state of the art to provide you with the best hosting services.

  • Ethiopia web design service

Web design is multi-facet discipline involving web graphic design, user interface design, typography, and standard code and Search Engine Optimization. We have competent and savvy personnel who tangle as a team to create a website that has these following features:

  1. Effective measures in meeting the target market and also made appropriate and suitable for the identified trend of the audience.
  2. Optimal balance between aesthetics and clarity.
  3. Required layout, instruction, and labeling to make it user-friendly to enhance usefulness and versatility to users.
  4. Mobile Optimization for high ranking in Search engine result page (Serp) by using responsive web design in order to increase traffic and conversion rate.
  5. Search engine optimization strategies rightly implemented.
  6. Web browsers supporting typography.
  7. Motion graphics and infographics to make the presentation easier without depleting the target market.
  8. Catching and friendly domain name that matches the business name with a popular top-level domain (.com, .net, .org, .info) to create a good and lasting impression in visitors mind at a reasonable price of 500 birrs per year. Deal with us and experience our outstanding creativity and connection. The minimum price for our web design service is 2000 birr.
  • Ethiopia Web Hosting service

Ethiopia web hosting provides individuals and organizations websites internet access via the world wide web. Our quality hosting services provide personal website creator, small businesses, developers and large institutions customers with various hosting services to meet their target market at competitive prices. The hosting packages have been carefully and well-formulated to provide web spaces, bandwidth, domain name, email addresses, file transfer protocol, techies support, server-side script, frontpage extensions, etc that are users goal replenishing, enhancing and supporting. The availability of website and downtime stated in our Service Level Agreement is duly comply to. We provide the buyer of hosting services with 24 hours a day 365 days a year of customer support desk – a staff to provide the solution to complains made not, thus accounting for our reputation as not just packs of huge bandwidth limit and webspace. The detail description of our hosting packages are as follow :

  1. Hosting one for 1500 birr / 51 dollar per year

Cpanel/softaculous, 5GB web space, file transfer 500GB, unlimited domains/emails/databases, cloudflare directly on Cpanel, PHP version selector, and free SSL certificate.

  1. Hosting two for 3200 birr / 108.8 dollar per year

Cpanel/softaculous, 10GB webspace, file transfer 1000GB, unlimited domains/emails/databases, CloudFlare directly on Cpanel, PHP version selector and free SSL certificate.

  1. Hosting three for 5200 birr/176.8 dollars per year

Cpanel/softaculous, 20 GB webspace, file transfer 2000GB, unlimited domains/emails/databases, CloudFlare directly on Cpanel, PHP version selector and free SSL certificate.

  1. Reseller one for 4800 birr/163.2 dollars per year

WHM/Cpanel/softaculous, unlimited Cpanel account, 10 GB webspace, file transfer 250 GB, unlimited domains/emails/databases, CloudFlare directly on Cpanel, PHP version selector and free SSL certificate for all your account.

  1. Reseller two for 9000 birr/306 dollars per year

WHM/Cpanel/softaculous, unlimited Cpanel account, 20 GB webspace, file transfer 500 GB, unlimited domains/emails/databases, CloudFlare directly on Cpanel, PHP version selector and free SSL certificate for all your account.

  1. Reseller three for 14500 birr/483 dollars per year

WHM/Cpanel/softaculous, unlimited Cpanel account, 30 GB webspace, file transfer 750 GB, unlimited domains/emails/databases, CloudFlare directly on Cpanel, PHP version selector and free SSL certificate for all your account.

  1. Server one for 2500 birr/85 dollar per month

Dual Quad-Core Xeon E5520, 200 GB hard disk, 8 GB RAM, 10 TB transfer ( 1 Gbps uplink), Cpanel/whm, 5 usable IP addresses, fully managed

  1. Server two for 5200 birr/176.8 dollars per month

Intel Xeon 4 Core, 2×500 GB hard disk, 16 GB RAM, 20 TB transfer ( 1 Gbps uplink), Cpanel/whm, 5 usable IP addresses, fully managed

  1. Server three for 7500 birr/255 dollars per month

Quad-core Xeon 5410, 2×120 GB SSD hard disk, 48 GB RAM, 30 TB transfer ( 1 Gbps uplink), Cpanel/whm, 5 usable IP addresses, fully managed


Há pontos de extremidade de servidor, como o RTMP Servidores da minha empresa, que podem atuar como um par e ser usados ​​para fornecer vídeo com enorme eficiência.

O HLS é ruim para transmissão ao vivo. Possui latência inerente incorporada no protocolo.

RTMP é atualmente a abordagem mais comum, mas aqui está a coisa – para jogar RTMP dentro de um navegador você precisa do Flash, e o Flash está sendo inicializado da maioria dos navegadores modernos agora.

O WebRTC é novo e ainda não é suportado em todos os lugares. Mas oferece baixa latência na mesma extensão do RTMP, com melhor qualidade de mídia (várias razões). Hoje, ele não é usado pela maioria dos serviços de transmissão ao vivo, mas vejo as coisas mudando aqui. Muitos fornecedores de streaming – grandes e pequenos – estão experimentando ou até mesmo implementando serviços de streaming ao vivo que dependem do WebRTC.

Como já mencionado acima, você deseja oferecer suporte a navegadores móveis (particularmente o iOS Safari), então você precisará usar protocolos baseados em HTTP como o HLS. No entanto, existem tradeoffs com protocolos HTTP para streaming. O principal deles é a latência. Se você fizer um fluxo HLS, o melhor que você pode ajustá-lo para latência é cerca de 8 segundos ou mais, mas normalmente fluxos baseados em HTTP são mais de 30 a 40 segundos. Isso tem a ver com o design do protocolo em si e não há muito o que fazer sobre isso. Quando a latência é muito importante, muitos desenvolvedores criam aplicativos nativos para dispositivos móveis devido a essa limitação.

Eu respondi a outra pergunta comparando os protocolos de transmissão de vídeo que entram em mais detalhes, e pode ser útil para você: Qual protocolo é melhor para uma transmissão de vídeo ao vivo de um servidor para um Android: RTSP, RTMP, HTTP ou outra coisa?

Falando em latência, eu estaria fazendo um desserviço se eu não mencionasse o WebRTC. O WebRTC é um protocolo de streaming de vídeo ponto a ponto (P2P) de baixa latência que é incorporado em navegadores modernos. Há pontos de extremidade de servidor, como o RTMP Servidores da minha empresa, que podem atuar como um par e ser usados ​​para fornecer vídeo com enorme eficiência. Isso significa que você pode obter latência abaixo de um segundo para coisas como esportes ao vivo, em que a latência é realmente importante.

Finalmente, minha sugestão é usar a melhor ferramenta para cada uma das plataformas e, assim, a resposta real para a sua pergunta é: RTMP e HTTP. É por isso que criamos o player em nosso HTML5 SDK (HTML5 – Red5 Pro) para oferecer suporte ao WebRTC primeiro, depois voltamos ao Flash / RTMP se ele não for suportado e, finalmente, se nem o WebRTC nem o Flash Player estiverem presentes, ele usará HLS.

Web Site Management

Hosting Marketers is offering new services to their customers,

Web Site Management

Realizing the difficulty  of hiring trusted web developers, Hosting Marketers is now offering in-house site installation, script upgrades and if anything goes wrong sites fixes.

They also offering web design at very affordable  prices, starting at $60 for a 5 page wordpress site.

They offering also SEO expertize starting at $50 for On-page Analysis.

Please visit https://hosting-marketers.com/hosting-marketers-services/ for more information.

alojamento red5

Red5 is a media server created with Java language. It is a free open source software but recently a new version Red5 Pro came out developed by the same people, this new version supports streaming to mobiles, Android or iOS, which red5 does not. The Red5 Pro is commercial product and costs $55 per server.

A media server allows Flash based applications connect to it using Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP). The server can send and receive data to and from the connected users who have a flash player installed. The server also allows users to receive and publish streams. This permits video chat applications, live streaming and even ondemand video streaming.

Most common Video chat software’s are:
1- Avchat
2- Videowhisper
3- Prochatrooms
4- Gchats

For live streaming the necessary tool if you already have a server with red5 installed is an encoder, an encoder is the software that will connect your computer to the red5 server using the RTMP, which your server provider will give you.
1- FMLE, it is an free Adobe product and does a good job.
2- Wirecast, it is an expensive commercial product of very high quality, absolutely necessary if you starting a TV station.

Although red5 is a free product many people prefer to use Wowza Streaming Engine or Adobe Flash Media Server which are commercial software’s and can be quite expensive, the FMS costs $4500 per server. The reason is that the developers of red5 although have created a wonderful system did not spend much time with tutorials and instructions on how to install and manage a red5 server, for this reason if you searching for a red5 server we suggest you pick a web host which specializes on red5 servers and red5 shared hosting.

1- Red5 Servers relatively cheap red5 servers starting at $15 a month.
2- Red5 Hosting, Hosting Marketers, a web host for experienced webmasters, it is the oldest hosting company specialized on Video and media servers, they also offer Wowza Streaming Engine on its shared plans. They have a very experienced customer support and a reputation for going out of their way to help customers. They starting plan with Red5 enabled costs $9.95 a month. Most other red5 hosting companies are resellers of Hosting Marketers.

Red5 is a formidable media server, extremely flexible and has the advantage of being a free product with with many people working on developing it, for now the main version does not yet work with mobiles, if that is what you need we suggest that instead of using the Red5 Pro version to use the Wowza instead.

Agencia Empregos Luso

A operar no mercado ibérico há sete anos, o Agencia Empregos Luso conquistou uma posição de liderança incontestável na área do e-recruitment, diferenciando-se pela sua oferta inovadora nos serviços para empresas: disponibiliza um conjunto de ferramentas e funcionalidades de suporte aos processos de Recrutamento e Seleção, assim como instrumentos para a divulgação de ofertas de formação e franchising.

Ao utilizador oferece-se uma experiência de interação única e uma área de armazenamento de informação que garantem a possibilidade de, permanentemente, se manterem os dados atualizados e enriquecidos, com documentos vários, guardados numa base de dados que ascende aos 250.000 candidatos, que geram uma média mensal de 550 mil visitas e três milhões de page views.

Estas duas vertentes – empresas e utilizadores – transformaram o Empregos Online, no portal líder de e-recruitment e pesquisa de emprego em Portugal, agregando mais de quatro mil ofertas de emprego, colocadas pelos seus cerca de 1.500 clientes e consultadas pelo rico acervo de utilizadores.

O Empregos Online foi criado em 2002, pelas mãos de dois especialistas em sistemas informáticos de pesquisa e afirmou-se, instantaneamente, como um dos melhores motores de pesquisa vertical, atualizado em tempo real e reunindo links para ofertas de emprego de dezenas de fontes em Portugal e no estrangeiro. De um site google based evoluiu, numa fase intermédia, para um portal de destaques de ofertas de emprego, que garantiam uma visibilidade total e transversal aos utilizadores e respetiva candidatura on-line. Recentemente uma forte aposta e investimento em tecnologia para criação de ferramentas de apoio à gestão e produtividade, deu origem ao portal que hoje conhecemos, assente num modelo de negócio que pretende massificar o uso das tecnologias web no suporte aos processos de Recrutamento e Seleção – desde a publicação de ofertas, à monitorização das candidaturas e gestão dos processos, através de serviços altamente fiáveis, com preços imbativelmente competitivos e que garantem um impacto nas empresas ao nível da celeridade, rigor e assertividade dos processos.